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Protections for Human Rights and Gender Equality
Protections for Human Rights and Gender Equality
Policy and Commitment to Human Rights
First Financial Holding is committed to abide by the International Bill of Human Rights and other conventions such as the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", "The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact","International Labour Organization Core Labour Standards","ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility","Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", "The International Covenant on Economic, and the "Modern Slavery Act", and has included them into the Human Rights Policy of the Group.

At all group subsidiaries, there is no discrimination employees during recruitment, selection,hiring, assignment, career development, remuneration and benefits, promotions, education & training, and retirement plans on the basis of race, class, language, thought, religious,political affiliation, ancestry, place of birth, gender, sexual preference, age, marital status, appearance, facial features, physical and mental handicap, or union membership. Article 18 of the Guidance on Sustainable Development for FFHC stipulates that subsidiary companies shall abide by the internationally recognized human rights of labor, including the freedom of association,the right of collective bargaining, caring for vulnerable groups, prohibiting the use of child labor, eliminating all forms of forced labor, eliminating recruitment and employment discrimination to create an equal opportunity workplace. There were no human rights violations, infringement of indigenous rights, or incidents of discrimination. The hiring of those under the age of 16 as regular or atypical employees (including temporary workers and security staff) is explicitly banned in our HR regulations. We also adhere to the Labor Standards Act to prevent forced labor through violence, threats, imprisonment or other illegal methods.
Due Diligence and Risk Management of Human Rights
The Company's Sustainable Development committee reviews relevant humanrights issues each quarter and uses actual investigations, data monitoring, and questionnaire surveys to evaluates potential human rights risks and establish a risk matrix for human rights issues.
In 2022, preventative and mitigation measures were implemented for human rights issues, such as "abnormal work load", " Maternity protection ", and "Night shifts", which were identified to have a medium occurrence rate or operational impact.For example, we executed an "Abnormal Workload-Triggered Diseases Prevention Plan" and established procedures for daily overtime work applications and management reminders in the system to reasonably adjust for work and labor allocation. High-risk employees who "work in shifts, at nighttime, and long hours" are evaluated for risks and given appropriate health management measures to prevent cardiovascular diseases caused by overwork. Additionally, measures such as the "Maternal Employee Health Protection Program", risk assessment, hazard controls, risk communication, and work adjustments were implemented. A stationed doctor and dedicated nurse also called pregnant employees to show concern and offer guidance in terms of health education.
●○ Human Rights Risk Assessment and Management
*: 1:Risk identification ratio = number of people in the risk identification/number of employees of the Group (10,095 persons)
*: 2:Impact occurrence ratio = number of people affected by the impact/number of employees of the Group
●○ Human Rights Risk Assessment Ratio in Past Years
*:The Company implemented adjustments based on the human rights due diligence procedures and adopts different human rights risk factors for human rights assessment and management. The calculation methods and data from past years are adjusted accordingly.
●○ Overview of the Group's Implementation of Flexible Work Hours
We adhere to and ensure that employees enjoy internationally accepted labor rights, and related information is openly available internally. All business sites follow local laws and regulations on human rights. There is to be no discrimination against employees on the basis of race, gender or other circumstances. All employees have the right to equal pay for equal work, freedom from sexual harassment, and protected employment for female employees during pregnancy. All Directors, Supervisors, managerial officers, and employees of the Group must comply with the Code of Conduct and may not make sexual advances or commit actions that violate human rights such as implicit sexual suggestions, sexual discrimination, or violation of human dignity and personal freedom.Apart from regular training on sexual harassment prevention, new employee training also explains in full the human rights system on work rules, HR management rules, employee compensation and benefits. Union personnel are also invited to speak about employee rights relating to the Occupational Safety and Health Act. There were no human rights violations, infringement of indigenous rights, or incidents of discrimination in 2022. None of the subsidiaries were involved in mergers, acquisitions or major investment agreements.

In 2022, the total number of employees from domestic and overseas operating locations that attended human rights training programs was 20,026 employees who spent a total of 13,620 hours in training and achieving a 100% training rate. Our company policy on human rights has also been communicated to the security company to ensure that they understand and incorporate our human rights policy into their pre- and on-the-job training for security personnel. The proportion of security personnel who have completed training in 2022 is 100% and on average, we organize 12 training sessions every year each lasting 0.5 hours.
●○ Human rights protection training in past years
*:Information on human rights protection training include physical and online courses. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the total training hours were lower than previous years.
Gender equality
First Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (FFHC) implements the Gender Equality Policy in spirit of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and in compliance with the Act of Gender Equality in Employment. We promote gender equality by focusing on "corporate culture,""organizational structure," " salary and benefits," "education and training," "work-life balance," "child birth measures,"and "workplace safety" to create a friendly, gender-equal environment for employees, thereby realizing our vision of becoming a happy enterprise.

The Company has internal regulations in place, mandating compliance with principles of gender equality and prohibition of discrimination and that employees may not engage in any conducts that may be construed as sexual harassment or discrimination when performing their duties. Meanwhile, the Company has set up an Employee Care Group under the "Sustainable Development Committee," which is affiliated with the Board of Directors. The Group is composed of members from human resource-related departments of each company. Group members are responsible for promoting gender equality measures, gender equality education, gender discrimination prevention and handling, and workplace bullying, among other incidents. To assist employees in maintaining work–life balance, FFHC provides several benefits and leave regulations that exceed the minimum benchmark set by labor laws; these include the maximum 44 days of paid personal, sick leave, and family care leave as well as 14 days of marriage leave. Considering employees' need to take care of their family, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, we also implement 14 days of paid epidemic prevention leave and working from home, among other flexible working measures and practices that surpass legal requirements.

Also, to address the social issue of declining birth rates, the Company provides a marriage allowance of NT$30,000 as well as childbirth subsidies of NT$100,000 for the first child and NT$150,000 for each subsequent child, totaling NT$25.15 million in subsidies for 2022 and 1,452 newborns as of 2022. Aside from enjoying a maximum 44 days of paid tocolysis leave during pregnancy, female employees receive regular pre-birth health education and seminar information provided by professional nurses. Aside from our implementation of the Maternal Protection Program, a taxi allowance of NT$10,000 was issued to pregnant women in 2021 while maternity leave across the company was increased from 56 to 58 days in 2022. Leave for prenatal checkups and paternity were increased from 7 to 8 days which is superior to current laws and regulations. In 2023, 2 days of "Artificial Insemination Leave" was implemented, allowing female colleagues undergoing invasive treatments due to artificial insemination to apply for paid leave;Furthermore, we implement bans on works and tasks that are potentially dangerous to mothers and babies, set up a breastfeeding room, offer child care leave, protect the welfare of employees on unpaid parental leave, and provide education grants for employees' children as well as corporate childcare contracts in order to create a workplace environment that gives employees ample support for having children.

FFHC not only promotes gender equality within the vicinity of the company but also internalizes gender equality awareness into its core operations. Apart from co-organizing seminars with government agencies and professional institutions on trust and property planning for elderly people, we also actively promote the concept of gender equality in property inheritance, launch Micro Loans for Female Entrepreneurs to assist women in starting their own businesses, and introduce a wide range of women-friendly credit cards, to empower women economically. Earned the distinction of "Measures Friendly to Families and Work Equality" by the New Taipei City Government in 2022 as well as inclusion as a constituent stock in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI) as clear indications that gender equality practices have been included in the Group's operating principles and leadership decisions.
*: 1:New employees are paid in accordance with labor leave rules in the year they arrive on the job.
*: 2:Sick leave and personal leave combined amount to 44 days.
*: 3: Counted toward 14 days of personal leave.
*: 4:The number of days granted for compassionate leave depends the degree of kinship.
Compensation Structure with Equal Pay for Equal Work
All starting salaries of the Company and subsidiaries are higher than the minimum wage stipulated in the Labor Standards Act.We follow the principle of fair and reasonable compensation in employee compensation. There is no difference based on gender or other factors. The ratio between the starting salary for men and women is 1:1, so there is equal pay for equal work. In 2022, when comparing the Group's overall compensations for male and female employees with men's salary (100%) as baseline, the average salary of female senior executives is 103% while average compensation is 106%; the average salary of females in entry managerial roles is 102%, average compensation is 102%; the average salary of females in non-managerial roles is 96% while average compensation is 99%.
●○ Remuneration at FFHC in the past years
*: 1:The salary and remuneration of the President are proposed by the Remuneration Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors for review.There is no gender-based variation.
*: 2:Definitions of salary: Salary refers to the monthly base salary, position allowances, various other allowances, compensation for overtime work, etc.
*: 3:Definitions of compensation: Compensation refers to the salary + other incentives (e.g., Employee compensations, bonuses, retirement benefits, severance pay, and incentives of material value).
*: 4:Definition of senior executive: based on definition of "managerial officers" (including managers of foreign sub-branches) established in Tai-Cai-Zheng-3 No. 920001301 letter dated March 27, 2003
*: 5:Definition of entry managerial roles: Management personnel other than senior executives.
We offer a fair workplace with gender equality. At FFHC, female directors and female independent directors account for 53% and 60% of the Board of Directors, respectively, and a female member of the board also serves as the convener of the Company's Audit Committee. The Board of Directors of FFHC and its bank and life insurance subsidiaries is chaired by a female chairperson, and the Presidents of FFHC and its bank and securities subsidiaries are all women. The ratio of female employees with managerial and non-managerial roles in the Group is higher than that of men. As of the end of 2022, women account for 50.2% of the Group's 317 senior executives, and 48.5% of women hold job positions with potential for salary increase. In addition, 470 female employees or 43.8% of employees of the Company have positions relevant to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This composition shows that there are no gender-based differences in the Company's hiring and promotion practices.
●○Proportion of Female Executives and Employees in Past Years
*: 1:Number of junior female executives/total number of junior executives (Definition of junior executive: Management personnel other than senior executives.)
*: 2:Number of female executives in positions with potential for salary increase/total number of executives in positions with potential for salary increase(excluding supporting departments such as human resources, IT, and legal affairs)
*: 3:We started the disclosure of the percentage of women in related STEM positions in 2020;STEM refers to Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics;We recruit employees based on their professional skills and do not set gender-based thresholds for recruitment.
Freedom of association
To promote employer-employee harmony as well as support business development and employee welfare, all companies have set up diverse and confidential employee communication channels.The Employer-Employee Meeting at each company consists of an equal number of labor and management representatives. The conference is held periodically to discuss employer- employee issues such as improvements to working conditions and benefits. The Employer-Employee Meeting of other companies are convened each quarter. All effort is made to find a mutually beneficial outcome in order to enhance employer- employee relations and cooperation. The number of Employer-Employee Meetings convened in the past four years and the number of motions are provided in the table below.In 2022, no sanctions were suffered due to labor-management disputes (refers to cases and complaints of labor-management disputes).
●○ Statistics on Employer-Employee Meetings in the past years
All companies of Group protect employees' freedom of association in all domestic and foreign business locations. First Bank signed the 4th collective bargaining agreement with the First Bank Union in 2019. The terms of the agreement covered employment, transfer, dismissal, working hours, routine leave, leave applications and holidays, compensation, benefits, compensation for occupational injury, retirement and death benefits. The collective bargaining agreement also specifies that in the event of a merger, reorganization, transfer, demerger, or other material changes to operations, the process shall be transparent and material decisions must be provided to the union and employees immediately after the Employer-Employee Meeting. Where necessary, employees shall be given severance pay and provided with favorable compensation. 27.8% of the articles pertained to employee health and safety. Around 94.22% of employees are covered by the collective bargaining agreement. The employees and employer of First Securities and First Financial AMC completed the signature of the collective bargaining agreements in April 2019. Contents also included provisions for labor rights protection in the event of material changes in operations. More than 15.8% of the provisions involved health and safety and they were commended by the Ministry of Labor for promoting cooperation between employees and the employer and mutual prosperity.
●○ Statistical table on number of employees who are members of the union
*: 1:Percentage of employees who are union members = number of employees who are members of the union / number of employees (excluding local hires of overseas offices and temporary personnel)
*: 2:Reduction in members was due to an increased number of retired employees and relatively low number of new recruits who became a member.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
To foster a friendly workplace where employees are safe from sexual harassment, we have announced and implemented the "Regulations on sexual harassment prevention, complaints and investigation". Random inspections of posters on sexual harassment prevention and laws were conducted in northern, central and southern Taiwan as well. The company website now contains information on sexual harassment prevention, along with a sexual harassment telephone hotline, fax and e-mail. Complaints are handled by dedicated staff. All FFHC companies have also incorporated "Sexual Harassment Prevention and Handling Procedures", "Laws and Gender Equality at Work", and "Sexual Harassment Prevention Cases" and other courses into orientation and compliance training. Sexual harassment prevention and gender equality awareness coursesare regularly incorporated in management training classes to improve management’s knowledge on the prevention and handling of sexual harassment. Persons in charge of handling sexual harassment claims are regularly trained to improve their professional knowledge and investigative skills; specifically, they are appointed to attend training programs hosted by external agencies, including professional training courses on skills for investigating sexual harassment claims and relevant seminars. In 2022, a total of 8,938 employees of the Group participated in sexual harassment prevention courses.

In addition, a "Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee" with 9 committee members has also been established and more than half of the members are female. The committee members serve for 2 years and their terms may be extended. The members of the committee must possess actual experience with handling sexual harassment, as well as a background in law, social sciences and human resources. According to rules, investigation procedures for any occurring cases must be conducted in private and within 7 days of receiving the complaint. Results of the investigation are sent to the involved party after completion and an investigative report is submitted to the committee for review and closed within 2 months. The committee shall review established cases and issue appropriate punishments to the perpetrator; aside from a role transfer to prevent further contact with the victim, the perpetrator shall receive demerits. Assistance and support shall be offered to the victim and aside from respecting and providing suitable work arrangements, mental consulting services shall be provided by Teacher Chang Foundation; a lawyer will be hired to provide assistance in cases involving civil compensation. In order to protect the privacy and character of the involved party, members of the Sexual Harassment Committee and relevant undertakers are obligated to maintain confidentiality of the involved party's name or other identifiable information unless it is necessary to the investigation or there are other considerations towards public safety. To reiterate the importance of confidentiality, the committee chair must read aloud the relevant terms to all attending members before each meeting. There have been no complaints or cases of sexual harassment at the Company in 2022.
●○ Statistical table on related human right complaints in the past years